Monday 9 November 2015

How do truckers communicate today?

Communication is a new key to success nowadays because without proper communication, you cannot keep all your activities integrated for getting the desired outcome. Same principle is applicable to the trucking industry. Truckers have to have an extensive communication network for keeping their journey smooth and unobstructed. The new technological advancements have led to the invention of many new means of communication that truckers can use, the most prominent of which are the cellphones. This portable device keeps them connected all the way through and exposes them to a vast world of information just a click or a tap away. But are these means as reliable for them as the CB radios that the truckers used during the 1970s?

Research conducted on the life of a trucker reveals that there are many conventional truckers who still use CB radios for their on-road communications. What attracts them towards doing that in spite of having complete access to the latest technology? It is the range and the reliability of the CB radiosthat work in their favor all the time. Due to these two main reasons, CB radios would never lose their importance for the truckers. You can still find the truckers communicating through the extensive CB community and various trucker lounges that serve as a central spot for the exchange of some highly useful information for the drivers. Sometimes these platforms can be used for entertainment as well because there is so much interesting stuff to keep the drivers engaged during their journey. 
Although the CB radios have lost their charm to a great extent today as they have been masked by the latest gadgets, but now the Stryker is making strong efforts for making the CB radios a part of a driver’s life simply by transforming them into a handier and visually appealing way to communicate on the road. For that purpose, Stryker has come up with the most state-of-the-art CB radios along with the best CB antennas and other accessories that you would wish for an amazing CB experience.

CB Radio Home Base Setup

CB radios have been used as a means of on-road and off-road communication for the drivers since its invention. Since then, CB radios have been on a rise with respect to their increasing variety for the vehicle-based setups. On the parallel we have the CB home stations running that have their own importance in the history of the CB radios. These stations are strong sources of information for all the CB’ers on the network. For staying impactful, these CB stations need to have their CB systems installed in the most professionally sound manner so that there is no hindrance during the transmissions and receptions.

There are no special guidelines for setting up your home base CB radios. They are set up pretty much in the same manner as is the case with the CB radios installed in the cars. But there are some specific arrangements done in this case for making the system work in the home environment. These arrangements include additional equipment connected in their specific manner that have their unique function for making the home base CB setup effective and reliable. Down here is a quick and simple outline of the home base setup for your CB radio that you can complete without any professional support:
  1. Buy a good quality CB radio and antenna, preferably from a reputed brand, according to your communication and scanning needs. These two components should be compatible with each other in every possible sense. It is better if you consult the Stryker CB experts for seeking guidelines about antennas that would best fit with your CB radio.
  2. Buy a long and flexible coaxial cable of about 50 Ohms. Route it through the concerned place in such a way that the cable connects the CB radio with the antenna with the minimum kinks possible.
  3. Get a suitable power connector and make sure that your CB setup is near a power supply point. You can also get the power from an external battery.
  4. Before turning the setup on, get an efficient SWR meter, a patch lead and a TVI filter for accessing to the clearest transmissions on the band.

An introduction to SR- 2K CB Antenna

If you are about to start a trucking career, then you might be looking for a good means of communication that can keep your on-job activities integrated and well-communicated back to the headquarters. You might have sifted through all the options available in the market by now but we are sure you are still unable to find the right communicator for your journey. Let us end your quest and introduce you to the best system that the truckers use for their communication. It is the ever-so-famous CB radio along with its perfect companion, the CB antenna. Both these components make up a system that is known for its efficiency, exceptional range and reliable performance in the long run.
To streamline your activity even further, we also suggest you to buy your CB system from Stryker. Although there are many CB brands that would claim for offering the highest quality CB equipment but Stryker is the one that actually delivers what it claims in budget-friendly packages. Its product lines are very diverse and full of value, offering CB systems with all that you need for a safe and professional journey.

For giving you a slight idea about its unique offerings, we introduce you to one of its CB antenna categories, i.e. SR-2K center-loaded magnetic mount antennas that have been designed according to the needs of the trucks and other bigger vehicles on the road. This antenna is available with the following features:
  1. Sturdy coil placed inside the antenna’s body that make the antenna highly sensitive to the electromagnetic changes. This coil works with minimum loss of power, so your transmission will be consistent no matter where you are.
  2. In each pack, you will find two lengths of 5` and 10` with one shaft. These options make the antenna more adaptable and enable the users to adjust the length of the antenna for getting the required range for their system.
  3. This antenna can easily handle very high power range i.e. up to 3600 watts. So it is the best antenna for trucks, trailers and other heavy vehicles.
  4. Due to the magnetic mount setup and availability of set screws, the installation, adjustment and tuning of this antenna is the simplest task during the entire process.
  5. It is covered on the outer side with the tough thermoplastic of mobay that makes it stand strong against the harsh weather changes and other unwanted influences that it receives from the surroundings.
  6. Each package is backed by a 2-year factory warranty that makes it a reliable choice for the beginners as well as for the experienced drivers.
This glimpse would help you make an informed decision about buying your CB system from Stryker. It would surely be a wise choice, socially as well as economically.

High-Performance CB Antenna

CB systems are an interesting field of study for the tech enthusiasts because these systems have such functional features that no other mode of communication possesses. Although CB radios have not retained their fame that they owned proudly during the 1970s, yet there is a huge user base still using the CB radios with the same sincerity as ever. There is an amazing fact that makes the CB radios much more intriguing for the CB’ers. All the CB radios are allowed to use only up to 4 watts of power, no matter how heavy their usage might be. But still these radios are performing better than all the latest gadgets because of their phenomenal range. Where does this amazing range come from? It is the CB antenna that makes a CB system much more outperforming than the basic standards allowed for it.

Normally there are following types of CB antennas that are preferred for a high performing CB system:
  • Center-loaded antennas
  •  Base-loaded antennas
  • Long Steel Whip antennas
  • No Ground Plane antennas
  • Fiberglass antennas
Each of these types has its own specifications and unique requirements. Which of these is suitable for you would be determined by the type of vehicle you have, how long your antenna is, where it is mounted and how well it is mounted. Generally center-loaded antennas are preferred for the heavy vehicles while the base-loaded and fiberglass antennas are perfect to be used on all other types of vehicles. NGP antennas are used in exceptional cases. Also be careful that your antenna is placed high on your vehicle for a clearer transmission and reception.
It is a point to be noted here that the normal truck antennas won’t be the solution that you are looking for. You need to invest into the top quality CB antenna from a reputed brand for getting the required outcome for your CB system. Stryker is one of the most ideal choices because it has a complete range of the most versatile CB antennas available at prices that are hard to beat. So if you want the best CB antennas while sticking to your budget, just walk into one of the Stryker outlets and place the order.


A CB system is incomplete without a CB microphone that makes the communication through this medium complete and accurate. There are two types of mikes that we can have to be connected with our CB radios: power mikes and noise cancelling mikes. Both have their specific roles in a CB system. The accuracy with which these mikes perform their part depends on the brand from where you buy them. The most recommended brand that offers the best CB mikes in both these categories is Stryker. Its products are warranted and the Stryker team will help you get your mike running in the most desired way.
Noise-cancelling mike is the type that most of the people don’t know about. This mike is specifically designed for keeping your communication as noise-free as possible. It only catches the voice of the user at a given moment and gives a clear and focused voice output that conveys the message clearly. This ability is not usually found in the normal power mikes so a noise-cancelling mike becomes a must. It is particularly useful while communicating with heavy traffic around. If you are driving a heavy truck, then along with the traffic horns, the engine of the vehicle adds to the noise, making your communication much more difficult than in normal conditions. This noise can be effectively cancelled using this special mike. But if you are operating a home base station or have your CB in a private car, then this mike might not be a necessity.

To CB or not to CB: Why Some Truckers Don't Use Their CB Much

CB radios have seen great shifts in their usage trends among their users since the 1970s. These devices had once been the most popular mode of communication both formally and informally. Young and old, men and women, everyone loved to have a CB radio installed in their homes or cars and kept chatting with their friends through this medium. Precisely it was playing the role of the social media we have today. But nowadays CB radios can hardly be seen under use. The CB channels have turned more into a barren land that is visited occasionally by some nomads while traveling.
One big reason behind this is the rapid advancement of technology. CB radios, however, have become a thing of the past. Smartphones, portable navigators and scanner etc. have become quite common that keep you updated no matter where you are. These devices are now available in forms that are easy to carry along anywhere. They are also turning quite affordable now so even the users with the most basic income are able to own one. So it is natural if they quit being manual with the CB radios and become technologically advanced. Apart from that, there are many other reasons due to which drivers feel hesitant in using this means of communication nowadays:
  •  Some drivers are more conservative and want to keep their communication channel simple. They stick to the old-school ways of communicating through the lengthier channels.
  • The satellite radio has largely masked the effect and functions of the CB radios. These new radio broadcasts have greater options of entertainment for the listeners so they actively attract a huge user base towards their transmissions. They render the CB channels extremely boring sometimes.
  • People are not fully aware of the functions a CB radio can perform for them and how these devices are of great use today.
If you start looking at this matter the opposite manner i.e. the positive points about the CB radios, then your usage patterns would be different. This is what Stryker is doing. Along with offering the best CB radios in town, it is successfully creating awareness about the convenience these devices can add to our lives.